The Cléo handbag was inspired by my favourite high-end handbag brands.
I felt the need to expand to different universes, different shapes. To leave the classic styles behind and go for a more unique, yet still relatable, look.
I’m not one to dress up fancy very often, but I find this bag very easy to wear in both a formal dress code, or a casual day out. And it’s just such a delight to look at for me!
Cléo is a unisex name, and a Greek prefix often translated to mean ‘pride’, ‘fame’ or ‘glory’.
In honor of Cléo from 5 to 7 & Cleopatra.
- Custom colours! You can go monochromatic or get creative.
You get to pick the colour for each of the 3 pieces of the bag: The body/main colour, the flap/secondary colour, and the strap & handle/third colour 🙂 - Dimensions: 22 x 20 x 10 cm
- You can easily adjust the strap to your different lengths.
- Handmade from Italian vegetable tanned leather & solid brass.